The Report Card | Teen Ink

The Report Card

April 4, 2014
By Jenna Kremers SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Jenna Kremers SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I fake a smile and laugh
no one needs to know I tried
they don’t need to know I care
or that my hope just died

People around me have smiles
and are asking what their friends got
I wish for once I could be proud
but every time I’m not

I try to laugh with the others
but It’s not real, It doesn’t reach my
eye, my friends around me are talking
happily and I tell them I didn’t try

It hurts to see the disappointed
looks on my parents face
sometimes I think all
I have is empty space

I say I’ll get it next time
they’ll be better the second half
but every single time
I fake a smile and laugh

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