My Friends, the Dolphins | Teen Ink

My Friends, the Dolphins

April 23, 2014
By Zaboomafoo BRONZE, Goodyear, Arizona
Zaboomafoo BRONZE, Goodyear, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The only truth is that there are no absolute truths."

There is no limit
They just go
But a limit on our lives
They just take us

Nothing will happen
The ocean is calm
We were at peace
But here they come

I can't find my way
The color is changing
I hear them all crying
But I am helpless myself

The ocean is calm again and
I still see the man
I have gone
But now my friends....

Until we meet again

The author's comments:
Inspired by the movie "The Cove".

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