Wearing the A | Teen Ink

Wearing the A

May 11, 2014
By AbbiA113 BRONZE, Westlake, Texas
AbbiA113 BRONZE, Westlake, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

An A she was forced to wear
As a burden of guilt that she would have to bear.
Adulterous, she was labeled by the town
And people were judging and condemning all around.

Hester’s husband was away for two whole years
And suddenly a newborn baby appears.
Despite all of the fear and shame
She refuses to release the father’s name.

During the adultery parade Hester is surprised
To turn and see that her husband has arrived.
At first she allows him to get revenge on her lover,
But later she changes her mind out of anger.

Looking into the future she saw that she was free.
Precious was her baby and always to be.
The label of an A to her was worth the life she gave
Guilt would not conquer over her love until the grave.

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