Storm | Teen Ink


May 31, 2014
By AbbyJohanson SILVER, Simpsonville, South Carolina
AbbyJohanson SILVER, Simpsonville, South Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"May my heart be BRAVE, my mind FIERCE, and my soul FREE."

My love to his is a wild storm, power
Souls rebound one another in moonlight
His to mine, a gentle summer shower

Drowning passion, crack! of lightning, cower
Eyes like ice; fierce, cold; raging cyclone’s spite
My love to his is a wild storm, power

Gentle caress of rain, love empower
His eyes shining bright, ablaze, stars of night
His to mine, a gentle summer shower

Locked away; steal her away; tall tower
Mysteries of ivory skin—delight
My love to his is a wild storm, power

Open, reaching out, all time, each hour
Quiet heart, quiet soul—always polite
His to mine, a gentle summer shower

Perhaps too divergent, souls devour
Tickle of warmth, love, growing flames incite
My love to his is a wild storm, power
His to mine, a gentle summer shower

The author's comments:
A villanelle poem about just how two different people can share the same love.


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