Failed Efforts | Teen Ink

Failed Efforts

June 16, 2014
By cojoputz BRONZE, Burlington, Massachusetts
cojoputz BRONZE, Burlington, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

All my life, I have been nailed
To my cravings. I ruin chances to succeed.
All my efforts have failed.

On all the attempts, I have bailed
When I pass a bakery and see what I need,
For I have always been nailed

To my appetite. My family has curtailed,
Many times, my gluttonous deeds,
But all their efforts have failed.

I constantly feel as if I am jailed,
Unable to escape the urge to feed,
For I have always been nailed

To my hunger. Countless times, I’ve wailed
When it is my stomach, not my head, I heed.
All my efforts have failed.

All my life, my attempts have all been derailed
Because my hunger protesting is guaranteed.
To my cravings, I am, always have and always will, be nailed,
Despite my efforts. I have failed.

The author's comments:
The style of this piece is a villanelle. It is about the struggles of losing weight but can be applied to any attempts to better yourself.

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