Pan - An Alternate Universe | Teen Ink

Pan - An Alternate Universe

June 24, 2014
By Talissa Mohamed SILVER, Brampton, Other
Talissa Mohamed SILVER, Brampton, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lay down your arms, your little god is dead.
His crime was feigning immortality,
So feel your heart throb in its mortal bed.

The young will live forever; so he said,
You children were so foolish to agree,
Lay down your arms, your little god is dead.

His time machine sank to the depths like lead,
He never will escape the agony,
So feel your heart throb in its mortal bed.

Young darlings, you have been grossly misled.
Deadbolt the windows of your nursery,
Lay down your arms, your little god is dead

Your baby teeth are hanging by a thread,
And fairies walk the plank at hell’s decree,
So feel your heart throb in its mortal bed.

The hourglass injects your blood with dread,
You’re locked up in a corpse without a key.
Lay down your arms, your little god is dead,
So feel your heart throb in its mortal bed.

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