the inner workings of a family mind | Teen Ink

the inner workings of a family mind

December 9, 2008
By littlemissbliss! SILVER, South Pasadena, California
littlemissbliss! SILVER, South Pasadena, California
9 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Always working, hard and long
Her gaze swept up with the dust
She gazes at Daddy with love in her eyes
How can she look like that, at the source of her demise?
I think she’s insane, I would not do it
But I guess that’s the difference between us

Always there, standing tall and strong
Never admitting when something is wrong
He stares with hard cold eyes, lost in a place no one else can go
Everything is wrong
This is something I know

The perfect young woman
Or so everyone says
She sleeps easily
Her soft snore filling the room
She’s got the friends, the grades, the guys
Anna, you should be more like your sister
Yet when I see her, standing there
When I catch her off guard
I see a look of longing
She wants to be free
Of expectations and lies
She wants the life I have
Only, she has no idea
How much it hurts to be me

A sweet little girl with a fiery temper
Two left feet but cannot turn corners
A talent for music
I sing to the mourners
They mourn me, what I have become
They disapprove
But I don’t care
I’m going to leave and never come back
I’m stubborn that way
Don’t expect to see me again.

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