Myself | Teen Ink


September 23, 2014
By Kanye BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Kanye BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm too busy writing history to read it" -Kanye

I’ve been watching you and I’ve noticed a few things. For starters, you are super strange. You set all these goals for yourself and project great confidence while you really feel none of it. Are your standards just a front? You only like the people you know and are scared of change though you don’t show it. You do not talk much during class, while outside you would talk for hours. You know you are smart, but do others think so? Do you believe you are? Do you trust yourself enough to make bold decisions and not regret them later? Always criticizing yourself for every mistake you make. Never looking ahead at what’s next or what’s the consequence. Only living in a world you wish you had, not the one you do. What is to come of you? You may never realize the present while you live in the past. Afraid of what’s to come and the rest of your life.

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