Heaven is a place on earth | Teen Ink

Heaven is a place on earth

October 16, 2014
By Madelin Larson BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
Madelin Larson BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When standing in a big field, looking up at the blue sky,
feeling the breeze as it passes on by.


When sitting next to a campfire, hearing the crackle,

laughing at stories like a little golden jackal.


When waking up and finding its saturday,
and going back to sleep for the rest of that day.


When looking up at the stars that brighten the night,
and knowing that everything will be alright.


When talking with the person you love,
on silly little things like hunting doves.


Heaven is a place on earth in all these little moments,
make sure you appreciate all the components.

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