A Victims Viewpoint | Teen Ink

A Victims Viewpoint

October 27, 2014
By DylanStachowiak SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
DylanStachowiak SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A Victim's Viewpoint
Why do they look at me that way?
Why do they call me that name?
Why do they care that much?
What do they get out of it?

Do they like to see me all sad?
Do they have nothing else to do?
Are they laughing at me or with me?
Am I fat? Funny looking? Smell bad?

Please tell me why they do this.
I would like to know,
why you stare
why you point and laugh.

Why do they do this?
Do they get pleasure out of it?
People who bully need to get a life
Your not cool or popular, You are mean.

Can you please just stop,
I dont know if I can take this anymore
I need to talk to someone
But who do I talk to?

My parents tell me to fight back
Is fighting the right thing to do?
I need to take it into my own hands
Take responsibility for myself

I need to talk to the bully
I will use the bullies power against him
If he calls me a name, tell him he is right
Tell him yeah I smell really bad

The bully doesn't really talk to me anymore
When he calls me a name I laugh at him
When he pushes me I laugh and keep walking
He doesn't understand it and he doesn't try anymore

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