They Shine Different Light | Teen Ink

They Shine Different Light

November 28, 2014
By alexaacodee GOLD, New York, New York
alexaacodee GOLD, New York, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hate is too strong an emotion to waste on someone you don't like.

when you look up. I see the stars that have gathered around me and saw how some shown brighter than others. you called and asked if I was looking up at the sky. I said yes and you asked about the brightest star in the sky and how it was only shining for me. and I laughed but said no. the star that was the brightest for you was not the brightest for me.
I went outside and looked up at the moon. it was the shape of a crescent, you could almost make out a little face with a little nose from the shadow of everything that was in the way of your vision to the moon. you called me and asked if I could see the moon. I said yes. you asked if I saw the smile with the two stars as eyes. I said no and said I saw a face within the moon itself.
I love you and she loves you. but she loves you because of your hair and your eyes and your mouth but she still loves you because that's what she loves. I love you because of your laugh and your smile and the way you love to make other people happy, and I still love you because that's what I love. we all see different parts of a person. and we all love different parts of a person but we love them all the same. some might love others more and some might love people differently. but love comes in different forms and you need to realize that when I say I love him even though I'm in your arms.

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