Closing the Gap | Teen Ink

Closing the Gap

December 4, 2014
By tkaucic SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
tkaucic SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Slowly, swiftly,
Anything but quickly
The predator creeps
As the prey sleeps.
A hungry pack of wolves, showing their appetite
As they close in for the first juicy bite of victory.
But the hare awakes, and sees the pack of dogs
in the midst of their creeping through the thick fog.
Rapidly pounding,
Heart rate astounding,
The hare retreats,
But wolves refuse defeat.
They take off, relentlessly chasing their white fluffy snack.
As they run, the only thought in each of their minds…attack.
The hare runs quickly, though his tiny legs prove no match
for the pack of speedy wolves, whose aim is to snatch.
Sorrow, defeat,
the hare cannot retreat.
The wolves close in,
each with a grin.

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