You Couldn't Know | Teen Ink

You Couldn't Know

January 25, 2015
By alexaacodee GOLD, New York, New York
alexaacodee GOLD, New York, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hate is too strong an emotion to waste on someone you don't like.

because it went from talking every night. it would be weird if we didn't talk, I didn't have anyone else to talk to. you were a part of my nightly routine. then one night I was too busy. I had a performance. and you texted me but I couldn't respond until the next morning. then all of a sudden it became okay for us to only talk 6 times a week. we needed a break from each other. you went away for a week. you didn't have service. I sent you good morning texts for the first 3 days. but then stopped. you didn't text me until 2 days after you came back. even then, you sent it to the wrong person. was I that easy to leave? just a week without talking and I was no longer an important part of your life? a week? that's all it took?
I texted you on thanksgiving asking you what you were doing that day. you didn't respond until that night. eight hours later. you were drunk. you forgot how to spell my name. you apologized the next day but spelled sorry without the o.
you texted me on Christmas. I don't celebrate Christmas.
you didn't text me on New Years. and I guess that was a sign that we were starting this year, separately.
I texted you yesterday. it's march. I haven't spoken to you in almost 4 months. actually spoken to you.
I said hey. you read it but didn't respond. I thought I loved you. I thought you loved me.
I texted you today. I told you I loved you. you responded. and said "I know"
i didn't respond. we hadn't had an actual conversation in four months. I didn't know it was that easy to throw a person away.

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