The Weeping Willow | Teen Ink

The Weeping Willow

March 16, 2015
By Wevans96 BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
Wevans96 BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The dawn is once again upon us

As the sun arises without a warning


The ever sleeping bodies undisturbed

Buried beneath the cemeteries dirt


People forget I'm here sometimes


On the rare occasion I get a visitor

My heart begins to beat with the excitement of attention

Only to discover its a mourning loved one

Whispering to me about their loved ones who is no longer

They grab my branches and sway

As if I am setting them free

Reuniting them with the ones below and above

But then my heart feels torn


As they take a branch to their loved ones grave

As a symbol of their remembrance


Each time this happens my experiences change


The stories shange.


The confessions get deeper.


The sadness turns to happiness.


Then they forget me

Not coming back till its their time

To be buried beneath the vast cemetery soil


As the cycle continues

I will still be here

Growing sronger


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