Something I love, Someone | Teen Ink

Something I love, Someone

March 25, 2015
By aacanales BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
aacanales BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Something I love, someone would have to be my hero.  My grandpa Dale, growing up him and me were very close.  He was my grandpa and like a father to me, and my best friend.  He always brought me my books, homework papers, book bag, anything I forgot at home he would bring to me at school.  My grandpa had a big heart and got along with everyone.  He always his jeans, and his white and blue plaid flannel shirt.  A lot of the time I would go from school get on the bus and go to my grandma and grandpas.  My mom would call scared I missed the bus or stayed at school, and would get mad because I was always at grandmas.  My grandpa and me would go walking in the woods, and pick berries.  When he would leave to go somewhere I’d ask where he was going and if I could go, when I asked where were going he would say “were going crazy”, or “take a dang chill pill.”   I remember when I was little he had a white truck, and had a stuffed dolphin hanging from the rear view mirror.  He didn’t have the truck for very long when us grandkids were around.  My great grandpa Omar lived a quarter mile down the road from my grandmas, I remember my grandpa and me would walk down there together.  My grandpa Omar would mow the lawn with the old riding lawn mowers, I’d sit on his lap and steer. My grandpa Dale in the winter got my grandpa Omar’s big blue tractor with the plow on it to plow the driveway, I rode in it with him.  I thought it was the greatest thing ever.  My grandpa and me never really had a dull moment.  He was my hero.  In late 2011 early 2012 my grandpa was diagnosed with bone cancer, he had bladder cancer in earlier years.  When he had chemo and surgery for it, he took a turn for the worse and died pretty soon after that.  He got baptized at my grandma’s house.  He died March 2nd of 2012.  My grandpa is my hero and I love and miss him.

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