I'm Sorry | Teen Ink

I'm Sorry

January 17, 2009
By PK4evr ELITE, Allen, Texas
PK4evr ELITE, Allen, Texas
105 articles 5 photos 107 comments

Favorite Quote:
When life gives you lemons, make grape juice, then watch everyone wonder how you did it!

they're just excuses
the things I say
I don't pretend
to understand why I feel this way
these words I speak
aren't always true
because despite all that
I love you
what I said
was out of line
I made you sad
I made you cry
please forgive me
I have wronged you
I should have never said that
I don't want to hurt you
please see the truth
amongst all these lies
and to tell you the truth
I see how time flies
I can't always have my way
I know I've made you worry
but all I want to say
is that I'm sorry

The author's comments:
This was a poem to my mom.


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