Seasons | Teen Ink


April 2, 2015
By nfwilkin25 SILVER, Monticello, Illinois
nfwilkin25 SILVER, Monticello, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Spring leaves her home and begins to appear again
Showing birds their way back home
Gently holding them steady as they fly through the harsh winds

She cracks the caterpillar eggs, and watches the mammals leave their caves
She melts leftover frost and snow and adds color to the trees
She paints the newborn flowers
Orange, purple, green, yellow, blue, red, and pink
The world has finished rest and life has returned
Spring has awakened


Summer rises from her sleep and sends spring to rest
She looks at Spring’s work and smiles
There is only a little to do

She paints the sky a brighter shade of blue
She spreads the sun’s warmth across land and sea
Creating green grass meadows filled with Spring’s flowers and Summer’s warmth
She helps crack the baby bird’s eggs
Watching every plant and animal grow large and strong
Helping them along in their journey of life
Summer has awakened


Autumn wakes to find that summer has left early
Leaving her with much to do
But Autumn is joyous, she enjoys her time of year

She starts with the trees
Glazing their leaves the colors of gold, rust, red, and yellow
Gently tugging them so they fall to the ground
She then fills every tree, field, bush, and plant with food for harvest
Filling the fruit with seeds so that the plants can continue to spread across the land
She guides each animal to food and gets them ready for hibernation
She buries each one that does not make the journey
The world is getting tired and it is ready for rest
Autumn has awakened


Winter shivers awake and sends Autumn off with a farewell
Autumn has done well, but now it is time for the Earth to rest
Now is the time for winter

Winter glides over the land, covering it with frost and snow
She hardens the water and turns it to ice
She sends each animal into their homes
Gently putting each one to sleep
She covers the trees with their own coating of snow and gets rid of leftover Autumn leaves
She covers the world with a blanket of frost, snow, and ice
Making the days shorter and the nights longer
She creates her own painting
Winter has awakened

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