What is it | Teen Ink

What is it

April 16, 2015
By HMiles SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
HMiles SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sight-It has a bronze colored skin that sort of looks like simple tree wood.  The prolate spheroid shape makes me think that is the only one with it.  It is curved in just the right places that make it soar.  It is bulging from what keeps it from falling.  When ever it is seen it goes and disappears again being very quick and agile.
Touch-The item is leathery like a wallet.  It is hard to squeeze for most, but squeezable for some breaking the rules.  It is very bumpy when you first get it, but after that it gets smooth and run down.  It has a certain grip to hand that pump adrenaline which is one of the greatest feelings in the world.
Sound-The sound it makes when dropped seems like a gunshot in a quiet area.  When it gets flicked it makes a slight popping sound.  Yet to today even when it is old if it gets popped it will make a very loud bang.  If you poke a small hole into it, it will make a quiet hiss.
Smell-It smells rubbery like petroleum.  It can even be sweaty at times, from all the people working really hard around it to be the best that smell like old stale t-shirts.  After a few weeks to a couple months go by the start smelling like the fermentation of sweat and dirt together.
Taste-The times I have had to get to know this item I have figured out that it has a rubber taste almost like tires.  Is is like and definitely is a collector of dirt and be becomes caked in it.  Even so it has tasted dirty like a mud pie or the ground at your feet.  There is not anyone on this Earth that I know of who has eaten one before.

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