The break | Teen Ink

The break

April 16, 2015
By KhalidTaylor1 SILVER, Lauderhill, Florida
KhalidTaylor1 SILVER, Lauderhill, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Spring break,

Away from the work.

And my old enemy Nate.

And maybe a little time for cake.

A time for relaxation.

A time for fun.

And there is always.

Now that all my schoolwork,

Is done.

I decided to go to the beach.

After I was done,

Eating my peach.

Hopping not to come across a leach.


My friends joined.

Hopeing to have some fun.

Or a tan from the sun.

And the tale ends here.

The author's comments:

This is a piece I wrote to describe possible events i would do during spring break

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