School is canceled forever | Teen Ink

School is canceled forever

April 16, 2015
By KhalidTaylor1 SILVER, Lauderhill, Florida
KhalidTaylor1 SILVER, Lauderhill, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A meteorite hit the school.

We are informed that classes will be no more.

I soon hear some kids exclaiming,

“So long fools!”

I walked out of the campus,

Drove all the way home.

However I never thought that,

Without my friends I feel alone.

The asteroid’s impact,

Crushed my closest friends.

Now I wonder,

If  I will ever see them again.

I went to an amusement park.

To forget about the pain.

But I was beginning to feel,

Like I was going insane.

One year later.

At my friends memorial.

I went up to their graves and told them,

“My friends school is out forever,

So please enjoy these flowers.”

The author's comments:

A little story about a scenario if school was suddenly canceled forever

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