Practice | Teen Ink


April 16, 2015
By KhalidTaylor1 SILVER, Lauderhill, Florida
KhalidTaylor1 SILVER, Lauderhill, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Soccer practice starts tomorrow,

I hope in the end I will be happy.

Not engulfed in sorrow.

Time for a little nappy.

Tomorrow came,

But things did not remain the same.

New players arrived,

And a new coach.

Who did not know how to drive.

I was worried.

What if I messed up.

So I decided to talk,

To my old friend Murrie.

I soon felt confident,

I was ready for anything,

After a few hours I heard a whistle.

And we all ran to take a look.

At what appeared to be a document.

I was surprised,

I could not believe my eyes,

I had made the team,

And soon told my new comrades goodbye .

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