Freedom | Teen Ink


May 3, 2015
By nfwilkin25 SILVER, Monticello, Illinois
nfwilkin25 SILVER, Monticello, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Stress, Worry, and Pain
their barriers block all doors to freedom
calm and peaceful
how I wish for that serenity

Stress piles on top of my shoulders
like tiny pieces of paper
one by one they start to get heavy
and one by one they start to f
      t off, but only to be replaced by another

Peace is priceless
too much for me to pay
Stress is cheap
easy for me to use
easy for me to waste
easy for me to lose

But I save
save all the stress
and slowly the pieces of paper start to f
         l off my shoulders
so I will be able to f e e l
The small m  o  m  e  n  t of peace and freedom

Even though the m  o  m  e  n  t will be overtaken
with the pain of another piece of paper

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