Midnight | Teen Ink


May 18, 2015
By nfwilkin25 SILVER, Monticello, Illinois
nfwilkin25 SILVER, Monticello, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When the sun melts under the horizon

When the stars begin their dance
When the moon reaches it’s highest peak
And when the wolf howls back

When the world begins it’s rest
When the birds take to their nests
When the streetlights turn on bright
And when you turn out your lights

Midnight rises
Midnight comes
Midnight awakens
And rises from her deep dark slumber

To you she is a number
A start of a new day

But to the wolves, owls, and bats
She is the beauty
The Queen
Of the night
The glittered twinkle that walks across the light

Her robes are cast across the ground
Her shadow covers the night
Creating a dark warm blanket
Covering what's left of the light

So when the sun melts under the horizon
When the stars begin their dance
When the moon reaches it’s highest peak
And when the wolf howls back

When the world begins it’s rest
When the birds take to their nests
When the streetlights turn on bright
And when you turn out your lights

Look for midnight
As she rises from her dark restless slumber
The slumber that we call night

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