A Love Letter to You | Teen Ink

A Love Letter to You

May 20, 2015
By TheMage BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
TheMage BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every day is torture
Endless niceties and gestures
Knowing that your heart belongs to another
Love, like people, can only last for so long

Endless niceties and gestures
Hearts entwined in an endless game
Love, like people, only last for so long
Roses betray the mind and heart

Hearts entwined in an endless game
Being your pawn never hurt before now
Roses betray the mind and heart
Why did you deceive me?

Being your pawn never hurt before now
The love I feel will remain forevermore
Why did you deceive me?
Fire, agony, is all I feel

The love I feel will remain forevermore
Knowing your heart belongs to another
Fire, agony, is all I feel
Every day is torture

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