Chasing the Dragon | Teen Ink

Chasing the Dragon

June 2, 2015
By lisa0216 BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
lisa0216 BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They speak of a journey

Hidden deep in dim hills

One where they’ll warn you
Never give in to the thrill


It’s a dark path to take
Distressed shadows will loom
A bump here and there
No more flowers will bloom


And journey away
Relish in the deep thrill
Let it run in your veins
As you soar through the hills


The feeling is grand
The hills bring you light
And you’ll keep going back
Till’ the day becomes night


But once you are in
There is no turning back
You’ll find a desolate cave
And soon you're off track


Inside this dark cave
Sleeps the dominant dragon
Cracked scales and long tail
With reckless abandon

The fire he breathes
Will erode and destroy you
But you keep going back
With intent to pursue


His sharp grasp consumes you
Nothing else seems to matter
Your friends and your family
Everything is a scatter


The dragon stitches your wounds
His smoke heals your head
But it comes with a price
As he wants you dead


Many live life to serve him
Though it's a choice to leave
But you’ve fallen into his trap
And you cannot be freed


It’s a dark path to take
Distressed shadows will loom
A bump here and there
No more flowers will bloom


If you’re lucky to leave his lair
Remember what could happen
Because a wise man once told me
“Don’t go chasing the dragon”

The author's comments:

This piece is an allegory for drug abuse. 

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