Champions | Teen Ink


June 15, 2015
By Julianna4999 SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
Julianna4999 SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The adrenaline starts long before I even arrive at the field. The only thing I have felt for days is the hunger to win. The rush and serenity I feel when I finally place my foot down on the field, is like a blind man seeing for the first time. I see passion and a need to win in the eyes of my teammates as the whistle to start the game is about to blow. Then it shrieks out and my feet start moving and everything else around me stops. The only thing that matters for the next eighty minutes is my desire to win and be the best I can. Disappointment floods me when the other team scores the first goal. Their goal was a lucky shot. Champions aren’t made from pure luck. They are forged from endless hours of training, hard work and the skill derived from that. Victory has to be earned, not given. Champions are forged from my teammates as the next eighty minutes pass. The flaws are fixed and the advantages are gained. Five goals are scored from the dedication of my teammates. We are not eleven individual players but one team. When the final whistle blows, I feel as though I had just won a million dollars. All of my training and hard work for the past ten year as paid off. The grass is greener and the sky is bluer. I remember what my coach always says. Never give up because it is not about who scores the first goal. It is the team that has the most goals at the end of the game that wins. My team had just earned the title of Massachusetts State Cup Champions.

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