Taxi Cab | Teen Ink

Taxi Cab

July 5, 2015
By Mrs.Humphrey GOLD, Modesto, California
Mrs.Humphrey GOLD, Modesto, California
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Its 5am and the streets are dark.
My approach causes a dog to bark.
A man slides in with a heavy thud
His combat boots covered in mud.
His wife waves goodbye
as his child begins to cry.

The sun has finally come up
A young girl hops in with her pup.
Her hair is all tangled
and her clothes are severely mangled
She spills some change on my seat.
She finds a new home on the street.

A business man all tidy in his suit
Quickly tells me his desired route.
He sits back and pulls out his phone
Saying he wants a coffee and a scone.
In a sea of yellow we must wait.
It seems the man is going to be late.

Lunch time was a bit busy.
Two kids get in with their nanny in a tizzy.
They had just finished the show
Off to the museum we go.
The kids are crazy and loud
They get out and disappear into the crowd.

A man and women come in from the bar.
Hopefully I don’t have to take them far.
Their lips smack, their shoes come off.
I try to stop them with a cough
They don’t hear so I drive faster.
Maybe I should call the pastor.

Tomorrow is a new day
All their lives put on display.
I’m the silent one they’ll never know.
All they do is tell me go.
But I see all they’re going through.
I’m in the front with the perfect view.

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