Blame it on the Alcohol | Teen Ink

Blame it on the Alcohol

July 5, 2015
By Mrs.Humphrey GOLD, Modesto, California
Mrs.Humphrey GOLD, Modesto, California
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It all started with just one sip.
Everything changed the moment it touched my lip
The world seemed big and it was all I had.
It brought me comfort, it didn't seem bad.
For a while it was just for fun.
Then I started having more than one.
I would begin drinking before the sun would rise.
There wasn’t anyone left in my eyes.
I couldn’t function throughout the day.
It seemed as if no one would ever stay.
This girl thought she could save me from rocky waters .
We got married and had three daughters.
I pushed them away because I got mad.
I still thought the bottle was all I had.
It all changed when she threatened to leave me.
I told her I was better and she believed me.
Going to rehab helped for a while.
But it took away the alcohol and my smile.
I started to easily get mad.
I had to remember I was still a dad.
I vowed to never take another drink.
For my three little girls in pink.

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