Pancakes | Teen Ink


July 5, 2015
By Mrs.Humphrey GOLD, Modesto, California
Mrs.Humphrey GOLD, Modesto, California
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Its saturday morning and the cartoons are on.
I stretch and release a little yawn.
I can smell the pancakes in the pan.
I’ll make sure to eat more than my sister can.

I set the table with our best plates.
I hope they can hold all the weight.
My mom always lets me take more that I need.
I can never finish, though I try with much speed.

I only like to put on a little butter,
Cause my mom says it comes straight from the utter.
Sometimes I put syrup and sometimes its jam,
But I always finish by saying, “thank-you ma’am.”

I can never wait for saturday to come
Because I get to try to eat every crumb.
Pancakes are my favorite food.
With pancakes I am always in the mood.

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