Happy on the Psychedelic Dance Floor | Teen Ink

Happy on the Psychedelic Dance Floor

January 31, 2009
By Yesenia Campiglia BRONZE, Briarcliff, New York
Yesenia Campiglia BRONZE, Briarcliff, New York
1 article 2 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had a psychedelic experience
Where colors had a taste
And your mind associated things it never would
A time when you flew through a different dimension
Time indefinite and undefined
The intense hallucinations scary at first
Did you close your eyes and find yourself in a completely different world
Found it too hard to concentrate on what was really taking place on the outside
Certain daily sounds that you never noticed were brought to life
Have you danced in the body of a cartoon character
Had funky sounds replay in your mind over and over and over
Have you lived in a painting of Picasso
Seen parts put together in strange ways to create unique images
Have you been in a television
Been switched through channels
All distinct and all with new feelings
Were the tiniest traces of reality hard to keep intact
Did you let yourself go into a place
Where music could be felt in many ways
Your body dancing to orgasmic 70s tunes involuntarily
Visuals including symmetrically moving geometric figures
In patterns and tie-dye colors
Or maybe you've been there more than once
And found everything to be just like last time
Continually experiencing d'j' vu
Remembering having experienced the same exact things
For once you left you forgot easily and found it hard to explain
Only because the feelings were so intense and unusual
Have you happily danced on the psychedelic dance floor


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