The Red Rose | Teen Ink

The Red Rose

December 3, 2015
By K@ilempegr@m BRONZE, King, North Carolina
K@ilempegr@m BRONZE, King, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I awoke to a world destroyed by hate,

a world that suffered a saddening fate

A planet torn apart by the destrution of war,

With gun shells and knives washed up on all shores

A world where life ceased to exist,

Where love and kindness were merely a myth

The black clouds in the sky resembled evil's dark eyes

The sea of blood contained echoes of deathly loud cries

The sky rained fire because of the hell we awoke,

From our pain, our sadness, and our hearts that were broke,

the flames scorched the earth and the weeds of sadness around

The earth shook until buildings collapsed to the ground

I was relieved by the time the nightmare started to fade

And by that time I realized I was no longer afraid

Because as the fires rained down from the hell up above,

I knew deep in my heart you could never kill love

And around all that pain where the weeds of sadness had grown,

Sticking out of the ground was a tiny red rose

And when I touched that small rose amongst the rubble of towers,

The entire world blossomed with billions of flowers

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