Barleycorn | Teen Ink


December 16, 2015
By Jin_Saratomi BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Jin_Saratomi BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Buried alive, just below the surface.

He uncovers his head, just barely;

drowned in water and forced to eat dirt daily.

Left there for about a year, growing a very long beard;

when the fall rains came, the assailants returned.

With scythes in hand, they cut the head from its roots,

and wheeled it to the mill.

His head is mashed between two grey stones,

creating a fine white powder.

His remains are mixed with yeast and water,

and put into the oven.

As his remains rise to the heat, the smell of bread fills the air.

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