Colors | Teen Ink


December 16, 2015
By Yamanu BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Yamanu BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"There is a time when a man will not run from a fight, That time is when his friends's dreams are laughed at." - Usopp, One Piece

Aren't you glad we have shades

They come together to make color

And our time fades

The spectrum reveals another


They come together to make color

As we gaze at the scenes of red, blue, and green

The spectrum reveals another

A moment that is quiet, clam, and serine


As we gaze are the scenes of red, blue, and green

The rays of visible light

A moment that is quiet, clam, and serine

Escalates from dark to bright

The author's comments:

Vibrant colors entrance my subconsciosness.

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