Christmas With the Rednecks | Teen Ink

Christmas With the Rednecks

December 8, 2015
By Air_Coppage SILVER, Wheatfield, Indiana
Air_Coppage SILVER, Wheatfield, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s that time of year again for
Christmas lights to shine,
And the star and ornaments
Are all hanging off the pine.

Our presents are opened,
And our bellies are full,
I cannot eat one more
Bite, not another mouthful.

But the part we all dread is
when our cousins come to town.
It’s only a few minutes now,
And we’re all counting down.

There was a knocking on the door,
And all our spirits went down,
For it’s hard to enjoy Christmas
When the rednecks are in town.

Cousin Molly still has a harelip,
Daryl brought his dog Skippy
And Uncle Tom married his
Younger sister, Aunt Patty

Skippy knocked over the tree,
And Tom was flirting with Patty.
Molly kept talking about her lip,
And all I wanted was a fatty.

Drunk uncle Tom ruined Christmas
By trying to say he’s the Redneck Santa.
He threw up on our dinner table,
And called his new wife Hannah.
That’s why our family decided
It is time to leave Indiana.

The author's comments:

For this poem, I thought it could knock out two birds with one stone and use it for my choice as well as my Winter Submission for newspaper. I’m pretty pleased with this, and I had been thinking about a specific person that I have been hearing a LOT about lately in school. It wasn’t until I allowed my friend to read this that I realized that it sort of sounds like “Christmas Vacation”, however I was not thinking about the film at all so much as Indiana and stupid rednecks that I know in this school. 

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