For Mother | Teen Ink

For Mother

December 8, 2015
By Air_Coppage SILVER, Wheatfield, Indiana
Air_Coppage SILVER, Wheatfield, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Nobody knows their child more than a mother.
Nobody can coddle and nurse you back to health
Like a mother can.
Nobody can cook meals as delicious and heartwarming
As a mother can.
Nobody but a mother knows what to do when a sudden illness
Strikes her house.
Nobody can love and cherish you like a mother does.

To the woman who gives her life
To her family, and asks for
Almost nothing in return.
To the woman who deserves
All that we have to offer
After she gives hers
Every single day.

The author's comments:

I was watching my mom bake cookies while I was writing this, for your information. She asked me if I wanted to help, and I said no because I needed to finish my homework. It was then that I realized that i haven’t actually been with my mom that much lately. I usually come home and go to my room to play videogames for about an hour, and then I’m off to work. I come back, take a shower, finish homework then go to bed. It’s sad when I think about it because I love her, and I feel like I’m neglecting her. 

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