The Blue Truck | Teen Ink

The Blue Truck

December 26, 2015
By Edward_Abraham SILVER, Norwalk, Iowa
Edward_Abraham SILVER, Norwalk, Iowa
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The blue truck went flying through the air.
Falling to the ground hearing the sound
of laughter of my sister over there
while I am crying over here.
The blue truck is broken in two.
What I am going to do?

Oh woe is me, nothing to do.
I go outside to breath in the air.
As I breath I see the two
friends of mine, dancing to the sound
they look over and see me here
So I ran to them over there.

Once I got over there,
they asked me what I want to do?
I said let play right over here
So we played in the cooled air.
When people heard the sound
to find the blue truck in two.

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