Incoherent | Teen Ink


January 11, 2016
By ZephyrMori SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
ZephyrMori SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments


This like me left you, know never never will I

Understand people can, speaking truly I am

Back talk trees the can

Me hear could one no, me left you

Alone was I because this like speak only I

This like speak I fault your it's

Speech my judge don't


Don't judge my speech

It's your fault I speak like this

I only speak like this because I was alone

You left me, no one could hear me

Can the trees talk back

Am I truly speaking, can people understand

I will never know, you left me like this


The author's comments:

Never judge anyone for the way they do anything, because you don't know the the stories they'll tell.

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