Which Witch? | Teen Ink

Which Witch?

March 3, 2016
By marie_will BRONZE, Winthrop, Massachusetts
marie_will BRONZE, Winthrop, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This is a story unlike any other
Far different than those you hear from your mother.
With witches, a baby, a promise to keep
So sit down children, you’re in for a treat.


Xavier's future, planned before he could walk,
He was to build houses using mud and rock,
As his father did, and his father before.
But Xavier wished to do something more,
He wanted to have a try at alchemy,
Where he could study chemicals happily.


Marielle grew up on a desolate farm,
Her only company, a father, who just wished her harm.
He was a drunk, she had able hands,
So she spent her time tending their lands.
She wished for a chance to get away,
Where she could do what she pleased and her children could play.


They would stay up all night, and hope and pray,
Wishing their problems would go away.
Lucky for them, two witches heard their pleas,
And came out of their homes from deep in the trees.
The first witch gifted Xavier a shiny new lab,
To examine any new elements he managed to grab.
The second witch presented Marielle a way,
To pack up, leave home, and find a new place to stay.


'There is one condition', The witches said with glee,
'You must give up your firstborn child to me.'
The two grudgingly agreed, and went upon their way,
Forgetting their promise with each passing day.
They lived their lives, until one day they met.
They fell in love, and had a beautiful brunette.


They had no time to celebrate,
They had to give her up- today was the date,
But when the witches came to claim their prize,
Neither could believe their eyes.


The story now comes to an end, and now it's up to you;
Find out which witch the girl belongs to.

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