Oh Morning Breathe | Teen Ink

Oh Morning Breathe

March 15, 2016
By d.marie.3 BRONZE, Princeton, Maine
d.marie.3 BRONZE, Princeton, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"She says nothing at all, but simply stares upward into the dark sky and watches, with sad eyes, the slow dance of the infinite stars." -Neil Gaiman (stardust)

Oh morning breath

how I adore you

crave you

open my mouth to release you

into the sunlit room

your scent tickles my nose

Oh morning breath

how I long for you

before I lay my head

I think of you

waiting in the back of my throat

Oh morning breath

I watch the clock

in my sleep

as you lay dormant

awaiting your time

to seep into the room

Alas morning breath

your scent singes my nose

hair stands on end

nostrils sew eachother up

eyes water dramatically

I crave a breath of fresh air

Alas morning breath

you too must disappear

like my dreams

escape through a window

a toothbrush awaits

for your untimely demise

Oh morning breath!

you dry out my tongue

but the joy of knowing

of understanding

gives me statisfaction

Oh morning breath

you are a remnant

of a good night’s sleep

open my mouth

smell the adventure

of my wild mind

Oh morning breath

I await until we meet

yet again

after the dreams

surrounded by pillows

and carassed by morning sun

The author's comments:

My Creative Writing teacher assigned for us to write an ode. He told us that an ode is written about small things we take for granted in our day to day lives and putting it on a pedastol, idolizing it. I thought to myself what are the small things I take for granted and wrote them all down. Some were generic and plain while some deep but then I thought of Morning breathe. Something not everybody really enjoys to think about and it clicked in my brain. I began writing instantly and out came from my mind this poem. I hope everybody enjoys. Thank you.

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