The War We Never Asked For | Teen Ink

The War We Never Asked For

March 16, 2016
By 23DollarBill BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
23DollarBill BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We listened to music as much as we pleased.
We ate and ate till there was no more cheese.
We danced through the night like the windy breeze
and lived our life with freedom and ease.

We didn’t know what disaster struck,
but sooner or later we were shipped on trucks.
We heard the news of the Japanese schmucks,
and our hearts stopped beating for we were thunderstruck.

We arrived at the camp full of sorrow.
Our home country just shot us with arrows.
We thought this would all end on a day like tomorrow.
So our hopes were as high as Mount Kilimanjaro.

The concentration camps stung us like needles.
The food was horrible, even worse than beetles.
We organized a government for we thought this was illegal.
But, we could not stop the rising evil.

The time flew by as we were filled with frustration.
We were living like slaves on a large plantation.
We joined the army to support our nation.
We figured we could at least make a donation.

We went to action and grabbed our guns.
We fought and fought the very long run.
I looked up at the sky only to see the sun,
But today it looked better because we won!

It was finally over, the long dark war.
We entered a new world through the shiny new door.
The feeling just brought us a blast of galore.
We finally closed our eyes, and thought of the ones we cared for.

The author's comments:

After learning about the Japanese Internment in school, I was inspired to write about it. Today, not many people are informed about this horrible tragedy that occurred about 70 years ago. From writing this piece, I hope to change the view's of people on the Japanese with all the hardships their ancestors had to go through during World War II.

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