To Her | Teen Ink

To Her

February 20, 2009
By White_fang SILVER, Hinckley, Minnesota
White_fang SILVER, Hinckley, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 3 comments

I sit up at thinking about 'her.' Will I ever find her? When I do will I know it? Has she come and gone? Have I missed her? Did I f*** it up again? Maybe I have. I found someone that makes the world go away. That makes my world stop. Every moment I'm with her is like an hour. Yet she has hurt me the most. I never felt pain like this. Its almost unbearable. yet I strive for her'towards her. I want her more then anything anymore. She is the one thing that can heal me. She is my anti drug. She is strong where I am weak. She is so different yet so alike me. Is she the one? Maybe she is maybe she isn't only time will tell.


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