Broken | Teen Ink


March 26, 2016
By Layeba BRONZE, Lucknow, Other
Layeba BRONZE, Lucknow, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes words aren't enough
to define what you feel for oneself
to describe it all
you just have to be strong
when you just come to a state
when just breaking up is in your fete
when everything seems worthless
all you want is to be lifeless
when you feel pain running all over
and you just want to sleep with a white cover
when happiness is not what you get
tears are all that you shed
when your eyes,always are wet
and rejection is what you get
when you just want to find happiness
but all you do with your life is to make it a lil more mess
you just want to talk to that friend
all problems and situations who can mend
but unfortunately that friend is no more
willing to but the fact you just can't ignore
the promises that aren't kept
relations like horizon never met
when you become habitual of ignorance
all you're left with..
to built,b/w you and your love,a fence
when the limit is crossed by the pain
you don't want but you get a lil' bit insane
you hurt youself for the one you love
little did you know
he'll be more hurt on knowing about his love
but you just can't fake
the pain from which you can't escape
whenever you remember the past
you're lost in the ocean of thoughts that is vast
past that has it's own phase
till death it only chase
you want to run far away
from where,to come back there's no way
'cause you're "special one" left you with many problems
and with time they're just getting stronger
love you can't hide
feelings that can never be archived
you feel like going to him
and being in his arms forever
but no sooner you realise
you both are now not together
and then that pain tears up your heart
on your mind it leaves a severe mark
you just want to sleep for the time you were meant to be together
and you know the funny part
you were meant to be forever....

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