ode to boobies | Teen Ink

ode to boobies

March 28, 2016
By MatchAshes SILVER, League City, Texas
MatchAshes SILVER, League City, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Orbs of nourishment on my chest
Please permit me to breath
Both of you wait there abreast
Wishing to soon be freed

To wrap yourselves in open air
To lay myself, without judgment
And yet you’re still imprisoned there
And movement lacking abundance

And knowing when you meet your kind
An embrace innocence intended
You’re far too friendly in your mind
And pray they aren’t offended

And all the pressure for your growth
Though nature has its reasons still
For not letting some sizes flow
And others lack, but not look ill

You don’t betray in any size
Or shape that you could grace me
To catch a pair of wandering eyes
And keep me from being lazy.

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I wrote this

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