I Bid Ado to an Achilles Heel | Teen Ink

I Bid Ado to an Achilles Heel

February 21, 2009
By KrisQueQuoi GOLD, Santa Rosa, California
KrisQueQuoi GOLD, Santa Rosa, California
19 articles 11 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live the life you've imagined." Thoreau

Destiny over-examined us
Too much was written in the stars
Though I was a great warrior,
Every fighter has battle scars

So to everyone I proclaim:
Here lies my Achilles heel,
I cut it off with disdain!
Of course, after I laid bloody and raw
but contemplation covered my pain;

Even if this scar never fades
and I limp in pursuit of destiny
Slight weakness for memory is a good trade,
You were a Trojan target
and a disaster I had made.

Once again I don my golden armor
and race fiercely into battle,
it is you I have disposed of, old memory, chattel.

The author's comments:
Have you ever written a break-up poem? This was the one about my first boyfriend.


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