Skin tones | Teen Ink

Skin tones

April 20, 2016
By sydpenny98 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
sydpenny98 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Skin tone… the uncommon trend between my family. Ranging from both ends of the spectrum from dark to light, fair to bronze. My skin is a mixture of colors, some say I’m a mutt, a mix of different things. My skin looks like I was lying in the sweltering sun all day, even when there is no rays in sight… a perfect olive glow that some take months and money to come close to. My mother’s skin is fair and tanned. Hours of laying in a bed letting her skin bake to achieve what I was born with. Her European roots betray her and her need to darken. My father is different from the rest of us. His dark skin contrasting with his lighter family members like zebras and their stripes. His African roots never leaving him. He has no need to lie in the sun nor a bed collecting cancerous rays of UV light. Between his darker, almond skin and my mother's fair, milky skin, I have the perfect mix.

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