Hairs | Teen Ink


April 22, 2016
By John_Conner SILVER, Heartland, Wisconsin
John_Conner SILVER, Heartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My family has all sortes of hair. My hair is long and stubborn, it goes its own way without much care for com or jell, but the second a strong wind comes along it will happily go with the flow, but it gets the job done. Now my sister's hair is a different story, it's a perfectionist, always has to look perfect. Evan if doing so sends a tornado though our house. Moreover it seems to be a beacon of destruction that will cause other people with the same hair to flock to it, and morph into one big howling torano. Now my mom’s hair is a little different, her hair don’t rain death upon our house, or summon a horde that visits once or twice a week, however it's still a perfectionist, and it will take its sweet time getting to that point.  Now my dad’s hair is the most unique of all, and the reason for that is, is that he doesn't have to much of it anymore. However that's besides the point. What once was a luscious head of hair has slowly deteriorated from constant work and stress, but it has stated the same and never lets up. When that hair wants something done it gets done, never needing the assistance of jell or com, nor does it need to be perfect or have to take three hours to look right, and certainly no beacons of death. Now you see that my family has a lot of different type of hair, but in the end we are still family.

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