Real Cost of Prom | Teen Ink

Real Cost of Prom

May 11, 2016
By Sha_kyyra BRONZE, Towson, Maryland
Sha_kyyra BRONZE, Towson, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Girls wait four long years for their Senior Prom,
For most it’s more important than actually graduating…
Senior Prom is their Super Bowl, the peak of their high school career.

Some girls spent 400 dollars or more for their dress,
A dress that they will wear for one night, that’s it; might as well flush money down the toilet!
Then you can’t forget the money for nails!
Girls spend so much on these nails that end up looking like long pink claws.

On your Senior Prom night the girls are supposed to feel beautiful and special,
I don’t know why dressing up has to make them feel special, that’s a bit shallow.
Then most of them ended up complaining how ugly they look,
After one girl got her hair done, for a small price of 75 dollars, she was crying about how she looked like George Washington, with her hair pulled back so tight.

Then matching with your date is such a production…
Guys sit at the Tuxedo store for hours figuring out the perfect shade of gold so that their date won’t get mad, even though most of them pick the wrong color anyway.
Then the corsage. OMG. What a waste of a flower…
30 dollars for a corsage that falls off after 5 minutes on the dance floor.

Senior Prom should be fun and should be memorable,
But hundreds of dollars shouldn’t be spent to make your night “perfect”…

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