My Comon Colors | Teen Ink

My Comon Colors

May 26, 2016
By Kobbo GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Kobbo GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Most of the time I am a baby blue.

Like Spock (Star Trek reference) I am:

Clam, focused, logical, zen.

This is the color I show others.

My favorite color, neon blue.

The least common.

Reserved for accomplishments I have been striving for.

I cannot help but smile

when I break my personal record in golf.

Sometimes, the bright red takes over

when I clank the dumbbells around;

or when my computer won’t cooperate.

“Stop swearing!” says my Mom.

When I try to hold in the red,

I blend it with some happy blue,

making my sad purple.

I think about snapping my golf club.

I hold myself back, and my head down

The best I can do is be like Spock.

Be baby blue.

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