One Frustrating Computer | Teen Ink

One Frustrating Computer

May 26, 2016
By Kobbo GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Kobbo GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is the only one that agitates me. I am the only one who swears at it. One frustrating computer with sticky keys and slow processing like me. One that is supposed to work, but does not. One Asus laptop given from Best Buy. From my backpack, I can hear it, but classmates ignore and hardly notice these noises.

Its age is old. It receives destructive viruses from the internet. It starts up and it shuts down and loads the files from its dusty hard drive and steals my minutes with a spinning cursor and always takes its time. This is how it thinks.

If I leave its charger unplugged, it would die like a normal computer with 20% battery. think, think, think it says when I work. It runs.

When I am angry, irritated and too heated to think thinking, when I am not a techy person against one screen, then I stare at the screen. When there no juice left to light up its screen. One that functioned despite drops. One cursor who spun and did not forget to spin. One with no reason, but to load and load.

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