Black Roses | Teen Ink

Black Roses

February 24, 2009
By Elmairi GOLD, Durham, North Carolina
Elmairi GOLD, Durham, North Carolina
11 articles 0 photos 5 comments

black roses:
stem of thorns, pain with every touch.
black roses:
inhale not, i don't smell like much.
only your hurt an your sorrow and delusional love...
a painful reminder, a fire-scorched dove.

black roses:
get over your grief, this is just wrong.
black roses:
this is so stupid, get a move along!
it's time to stop crying, stand up and go.
remember the friends forgotten long ago.

black roses:
you're stuck in wa wheel of love, stress and hate.
black roses:
in a queue line when you'd rather not wait.
shh, deep breaths, cease those frustrated tears
it'll turn out all right, one of these years.

black roses:
love and hate, both you've known.
black roses:
hopefully, away from this fire you've flown.
go wash your face; soot and tears there cling.
and better songs, of peace, you soon will sing.

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